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ErcoupeTV Ercoupe by jgood. Viewed 283 times.
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jgood02-Feb-25 10:54
1:32 scale with extended wing tanks, deleted plug covers and header tank. Fabric wings, polished fuselage. Wheel pants!
biplane guy03-Feb-25 20:40
Excellent, James. Where did you get the idea for that one?
bobgood04-Feb-25 08:47
The real aircraft in small (tiny) scale - super model James!
BriandKilby04-Feb-25 09:02
James, do you know of irfanview alternative for iPads? Thanks. Nice planes too! Are you still flying planes? R/C and recreational?
heywooood04-Feb-25 14:22
Brian - try Imgur
BriandKilby04-Feb-25 15:08
Ok, I’ll try. Thanks heywooood
jgood06-Feb-25 18:24
Hey Brian, I'm sorry, I really don't. I just use Apple Photos on the iPad. What in particular do you want to do with your images? And yes, I'm still flying r/c, just not as much as I used to. And generally little foam aircraft, not the stick/tissue ones of before.
jgood06-Feb-25 18:24
biplaneguy - a chap off Facebook has the full scale version of this, and asked me to model it for him.
BriandKilby07-Feb-25 08:01
I want to use it to download pictures onto virtual aerodrome. How are you able to adjust the pixels on the photos of the iPad? Brian.10 generation iPad.
BriandKilby07-Feb-25 09:00
I last flew r/c about 10 years ago on the farm. They took my runway away from me to plant crops. lol.
biplane guy10-Feb-25 17:13
I guess you and the Facebook guy are kindred spirits. I bet it's a kick to fly.
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