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Scratch Built Percival Q6 by bobgood. Viewed 883 times.
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Image Comments
bobgood19-Jan-25 14:56
bobgood21-Jan-25 19:38
I would like to know how Don C is - any news anybody?
David Duckett21-Jan-25 19:54
He died several months ago.
heywooood21-Jan-25 20:25
His daughter posted the message informing the community at the time that he had passed - I can't remember which hangar or build it was posted to or I would paste the link here. I'm sure he would have LOVED this build. I know I do.
bobgood22-Jan-25 08:46
I'm very sad to hear about Don passing! RIP old fellow.
BriandKilby22-Jan-25 15:39
Hey bob, what’s good for preserving decals? Krylon?
bobgood22-Jan-25 19:23
Sorry Brian - I'm not the expert here.... just a thin coat of clear fixative spray I would think?
bobgood24-Jan-25 14:41
Thank you for your comment "Heywood" (it's Don? too?) - not a lot going on here at the moment - Election blues maybe?
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