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Scratch Built FFVS J 22 by mlriley540. Viewed 893 times.
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mlriley54024-Jul-17 21:11
I'll wait a bit before I fly it, right now the nose is a little light but I will try to keep it that way and adjust the tail.
LASTWOODSMAN24-Jul-17 22:20
Those very attractive Sweedish Air Force roundels, the "TRE KRONER" (Three Crowns), really adorn and enhance your Sweedish J22 "Basic Fighter" paint scheme !!
David Duckett25-Jul-17 08:41
LASTWOODSMAN25-Jul-17 09:04
Sorry - "SWEDISH", not Sweedish
Don C28-Jul-17 09:53
Sweet - ish? You sure have a steady hand for painting.
Creosotewind31-Jul-17 18:43
Since roundrels were sometimes called "meatballs", would these be Swedish meatballs?
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