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Sterling P-26A Peashooter by edbecky. Viewed 256 times.
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edbecky12-Nov-24 12:02
Front view.
BriandKilby15-Nov-24 09:16
Had a big engine on it.nice!
edbecky15-Nov-24 10:04
Yes, it did. Thanks.
heywooood15-Nov-24 14:54
was the kit missing its decal sheet. Ed?
edbecky16-Nov-24 00:39
Not a kit. I built this model from scratch. I had a couple of decals leftover from another build. I printed and painted the Indian heads and numbers.
edbecky16-Nov-24 00:45
This was actually a Sterling kit plan that I got offline from OUTERZONE. I reduced it to about 60% of the original plan.
bsadonkill16-Nov-24 13:57
Very nice job, looks great!
bsadonkill19-Nov-24 05:44
Comet has a 16-inch plan.
edbecky19-Nov-24 09:38
Yes, I considered it when looking for plans, but I liked the Sterling a little better.
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