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Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer by BriandKilby. Viewed 1404 times.
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BriandKilby05-Dec-21 11:16
wing struts fixed. fuselage tacked to wing, ringing next.
bsadonkill05-Dec-21 11:51
Very Nice! You did a good repair job. Nice looking straight kit build.
Don C05-Dec-21 13:25
Nice job on the repair, Brian. Rigging should be fun on that one. :)
BriandKilby05-Dec-21 14:47
thanks bsadon and don!
bobgood05-Dec-21 20:09
Wow Brian - that looks very nice and well done!
BriandKilby06-Dec-21 09:16
thanks bob!
edtherenderman08-Dec-21 13:41
Looking good Brian! Looks like you were able to recover from the "accident"!
lukebozek108-Dec-21 13:48
Brian I know how difficult this build was, you did a great job. Now go catch some trout.
BriandKilby08-Dec-21 16:41
thanks ed and luke! i'm waiting, eagerly, till trout season comes back in. :)
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