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Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer by BriandKilby. Viewed 1427 times.
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Image Comments
BriandKilby14-Dec-21 11:29
fuselage brace and tail section next.
Don C14-Dec-21 11:35
Good angle. That blue cloth really shows off the rigging.
BriandKilby14-Dec-21 15:22
thanks don! i take pictures with my head lamp on, which makes the lighting not too bright and too dark. the flash doesn't help much on my camera.
bobgood15-Dec-21 19:35
This is looking super good Brian - excellent work there!
BriandKilby16-Dec-21 07:29
thanks bob, i appreciate it!
edbecky16-Dec-21 08:30
Looking good Brian.
BriandKilby16-Dec-21 11:11
thanks ed.
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