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Guillows Series 200 - Thomas Morse Scout by bbaumer. Viewed 3122 times.
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bbaumer21-Feb-08 22:41
Getting close, needs a few tissue repairs, and finsh hand painting the tail
sweetwillie21-Feb-08 23:22
BB that's a beauty, also. Is that a Spandau laying there? Did you make it or is it plastic. It looks like plastic.
cdwheatley22-Feb-08 02:39
Very nice BB. SW, I may be wrong but that looks like the Lewis gun that Guillows also supply with their SE5a kit.
bbaumer22-Feb-08 06:14
That's the Lewis, I havent figures out how or if to mount it
John Cooper22-Feb-08 08:30
Very nice plane with all the details like the rigging, prop and pilot. I would suggest leaving the Lewis gun off. I believe that Scout's were either unarmed or equipped with a Martin 30 cal (which looked quite different).
sweetwillie22-Feb-08 08:38
I'm sorry, I meant Lewis :-). I like the pilot's scarf and those wheels, are they decals? Or did you paint the stars?
John M Oshust22-Feb-08 08:59
Nice job ...looks real!
poppy22-Feb-08 09:38
Beautiful work.
bbaumer22-Feb-08 17:05
The stars are decals trimmed close, with enamel painted background. The stars are kit decals trimmed close, then nipped in the inside corners so they will lay flat. The cowl extensions are made from a large 32 oz cup from Taco bell. The material is a terrific thickness to work with, very thin (thinner or as thin as the Guillows vacuum form, and has a built in bias to it that made forming it ideal). It took to paint very well with a very light sanding. Free and good, you can't beat that!
moostang5122-Feb-08 17:10
Improvisation. Worked wonders here, looks grand.
wingspanner22-Feb-08 17:25
A lovely machine.Hope to bulid one soon. I've got three planes covered in krylon ready for colour but i'm unsure how to finish with my airbrush and enamels. Do I use a primer? Do I fill and sand between coats? I am hoping to fly them onced finished. Help Please!!!
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