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Scratch Built Consolidated XF-92A by rayl. Viewed 612 times.
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Image Comments
rayl13-Feb-15 12:51
Started to lay out the panel lines. I bought a cheezy set of Rapiograph-type draughtsman felt tip pens at the local Hobby Lobby. They don't work to well on a glossy surface so I treid wiping the paint job down with denatured alchohol to erase the mistakes, which worked (sort of). The alchohol did act like a weak de-glosser and the next attempt worked better. I think that being it's Friday the 13th today, I shall find something else to do before I muck this thing up really bad.
jgood13-Feb-15 13:54
Looking great. What a unique model!
John M Oshust13-Feb-15 13:58
I keep "sanding" my marker tips when panel lining. This seems to keep them clean and flowing.
JohnG.13-Feb-15 15:05
YES.....VERY nice!!!!
Don C13-Feb-15 16:05
It's really looking good. Sometimes it is a good idea to just walk away for a while.
Lindy13-Feb-15 22:01
A Museum piece. Yes !
meku14-Feb-15 07:52
Yes ... it's a unique, interesting model.
lukebozek114-Feb-15 08:14
Whatever you used and did worked darned well, these are very clean panel lines. I just did one yesterday and it meets the 20 foot criteria, but barely. Or maybe my eyes are getting weaker.
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