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Scratch Built Percival Q6 by bobgood. Viewed 361 times.
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Image Comments
bobgood09-Mar-25 20:33
slowly does it....
bobgood09-Mar-25 22:57
this is a larger job than I first thought!
bobgood09-Mar-25 22:57
Over 6 feet tall!
edbecky11-Mar-25 13:03
My kit came with pre-cut miters which made it a lot easier.
edbecky11-Mar-25 13:05
One I built for my friend a couple of years earlier didn't have the pre-cut miters. Still enjoyed building them.
bobgood12-Mar-25 16:35
ED - the GFC has now been running for the last 95 minutes! Amazing sound too - nice lazy tick-tock! (after 46 years of poor storage - before we took the boxed parts over)
bobgood13-Mar-25 14:26
Grandfather clock still motoring along - but I have to sort out the chime system which is not operating! I may have to take all apart for that!
edbecky15-Mar-25 00:06
Bob, Switch on back of movement will stop chimes. You can access it from panel on back of clock.
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