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LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3871530 May 17 21:57

Next flight, I have a powerful motor - 4 loops of 1/8" rubber 12 " long ... The last time I flew it, I had two tabs on the elevator and one on the rudder - it accelerated fast with so much power in the tightest circle, I had to duck my head at the last second as it screamed by just missing me !! - and crashed ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3871430 May 17 21:43

Last 2 pics - thats all I have ... Waiting for better weather ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3871129 May 17 16:33

Hummingbirds are marvels of amazing powers of flight, and all species feed while hovering, and are the only bird to fly backwards. The dead giveaway for identifying the male "Broad-Tailed" is the loud, distinctive, shrill, metalllic whistling, or loud trill, when they fly, which is often heard before actually seeing the bird.
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3871029 May 17 16:22

Broad-Tailed Hummingbird - hummingbirds are gems of beauty whose throats (gorgets) and crowns reflect a brilliant colorful metalllic gllittering iridescence that flashes from the correct light angle, otherwise, the throats look black in most lights.
LASTWOODSMAN, Comment for image # 3870328 May 17 10:45
The computer "SNIPPING TOOL" works great on anything! To get a good pic out of a video, "pause" the video on a good frame you want a pic of, left click on the "Snipping Tool" icon on the bottom bar of your screen, and it brings up a little "Snipping Tool" box at the lower left of the screen. Then left mouse button click on the "scissors with a red circle", and the whole screen FADES out a bit, and you now have a cursor "cross" (on "rectangular snip"), and you then left mouse button drag this cursor "cross" to make any rectangle size, which is now NOT FADED, release it, then "file", then "save as ...", and put your new pic in any folder you want.
bsadonkill, Comment for image # 3870428 May 17 00:08
Nice model, love the flying pictures.
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3870427 May 17 22:30

Finally, two pretty good pics off of a video, using the "Snipping Tool".
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3870327 May 17 22:27

Been trying hard at this rubber band powered free flight the last three days - the 22" 'Cabinaire' is launched !
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3865523 May 17 20:20

Little too windy to determine anything - 8 mph - got some good glides - seems to turn right - 450 turns does not get it to climb - only one good 12 second flight - ?WHY? - at least I didn't smash it up ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3865423 May 17 20:13

I fianlly learned how to use the winding stooge solo. Only tried up to 450 winds - I did not get greedy ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3864021 May 17 09:09

My buddy's wife is an avid, all out, Elvis memorabilia collector ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3863921 May 17 09:07

I was having some fun on this Elvis Presley "Stern" pinball machine several years ago.
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862920 May 17 11:41

This kit has 6 pages of great building and flying instructions (that I should have followed). The SIG "CLASSIC SERIES" assures flying ability and proven dependable flyers. You can expect hand wound flilghts to last 10 - 25 seconds, and stretch wound fllights to last 20 - 50 seconds. This model has been beat up and repaired a few times ...
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862820 May 17 11:35

"There was once a simpler time when the lines of a model airplane could have an almost magical effect on a modeler."
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862720 May 17 11:33

The kit plane has a wrap around windshield, side windows, and a transparent cabin roof, that I modified to cover the whole roof, and you can really see the construction framework and rubber motot inside the fuse. I also thickened up the wing struts and landing gear struts.
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862620 May 17 11:29

KIT FEATURES: Instead of a thrust bearing for the prop shaft, there are 2 kit-supplied eyelets, that go into the front end and the rear end of the prop shaft hole in the noseblock, and the prop shaft spins inside these eyelets.
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862520 May 17 11:25

These planes were the pinnacle of aviation excitement as they had classic lines, a graceful appearance, were sleek and slender, and they had "character"!
LASTWOODSMAN, Image # 3862420 May 17 11:22

The 22" SIG "CABINAIRE", designed to fly free flight rubber powered, by Paul McIlrath, is reminiscent of the Vintage High Wing Cabin planes of the 1930s "Golden Age of Aviation" - the 20 year period between WW1 and WW2 - an era of elegant a/c design and tremendous advances in Aviation.
LASTWOODSMAN, Comment for image # 3859617 May 17 20:12
Thanks for the tips Mlriley.
mlriley540, Comment for image # 3859617 May 17 19:50
If the tail shim doesn't do it, you can try a shim in the nose to change the prop angle, that usually has a big effect and also allows you to keep the glide ratio intact. If you can counteract the engine torque, you will get more lift from the left wing, which should help it climb.
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