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hjlittmanGuillows Series 900 - SkyraiderParked27-Nov-12 19:58
Views : 1190
I'm flying it "gear up" but wanted landing gear for display. I made some detachable "wheel wells" that are held on with rare earth magnets to a couple of small pieces of steel (cat food can lid) glued to the ribs under the covering. There is also a small piece of steel on the rear former to hold on the tailwheel and tailhook. The struts are wire wrapped with paper. They are not glued on to the "wheel wells" in the photo, but will be glued in after the back of the front strut covers and the struts have been painted. The square loops in the wires go around the magnets when they are glued in. Another piece of steel is under the middle of the fuselage for an intended Mk XIII torpedo.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 900 - SkyraiderBuild27-Nov-12 19:58
Views : 1144
I did get a little farther along with the Skyraider. The nose block is finished with it's key. The flat plate nose block is a sandwich of 1/64" plywood, balsa and 1/64" plywood. The front of former 'A' is also faced with 1/64" plywood. Most people say this is unnecessary, but I have been flying my Typhoon, with a similar setup, for 8 years now.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Piper Cub 95Parked11-Nov-12 12:44
Views : 1796
The definitive version of the indoor A-frame pusher.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 900 - SkyraiderBuild18-Oct-12 13:41
Views : 1235
Sanded down, the filled area makes a better looking cowl anyway.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 900 - SkyraiderBuild18-Oct-12 13:40
Views : 1247
The noses of the 900 series kits tend to be a little weak so I do a little fill in to make them stronger and easier to handle.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 900 - SkyraiderBuild18-Oct-12 13:38
Views : 1175
am doing a 900 Series Skyraider for the "G" Challenge this year. The Skyraider has been on my small building board for some months but has been sidetracked by more pressing projects. Since there are only 14 days left in this year's "G" Challenge I figured that I had better get to it. Of course I know someone who builds his contest models the night before the contest, but that is another story. The wood in this kit is quite light but a tad on the brittle side. I had to sand the back sides of the sheets to get the parts out. And, even then I still had to do some cutting. Fortunately, the sheets containing the fuselage sides were approximately the same density and grain structure, so the fuselage went together straight without any trouble.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Piper Cub 95Build02-Aug-12 22:24
Views : 2325
The L-4 project tacked together for a "bones shot". The structure you see weighs 16 grams. I'm estimating 28 grams, covered and painted, less rubber.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Piper Cub 95Parked29-Jun-12 23:08
Views : 1929
I get my 21st Century tool set up and the first thing I build is a design from the 19th Century. Go figure!
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Piper Cub 95Build29-Jun-12 23:07
Views : 1772
Taking a little break to prepare something for a 4th of July flying session. No, it's not a model oil rig.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - DeHavilland BeaverBuild07-Jun-12 22:33
Views : 2038
"Bones Shot" on floats. The prop is a 6-1/2 inch Ikara with a very aggressive pitch. Haven't finished and flown this one yet, but it's light enough that it should fly, respectably, on rubber power. Don't expect it to R.O.W. but I'll try it.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Series Pilatus PorterParked31-May-12 17:17
Views : 1717
Production Porter kit is shipping.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 300 - Piper Cub 95Build21-May-12 17:04
Views : 1958
Now to continue with attaching the nose. The whole nose assembly glues to the front of the fuselage. The removable section is right behind the nose block. the right bank of cylinder heads come off with the front section, the left bank is staggered to the rear and stays with the fixed section.
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