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hjlittmanHJL Models P-6E HawkBuild09-Feb-20 16:04
Views : 679
Working with CA and kicker this is about 17 minutes in. The quarter formers go in later to sandwich the landing gear wire to the 4th former
hjlittmanHJL Models P-6E HawkBuild09-Feb-20 16:02
Views : 732
Going to include the right angle tool from my Bostonian/Embryo kits in this kit. They're handy. Using a thin building board so I used Profi Pins since they are so obscenely sharp you can put them through the parts without damage.
hjlittmanHJL Models P-6E HawkBuild09-Feb-20 15:59
Views : 719
Pre-production check build before cutting beta test kits. Layout of fuselage parts.
hjlittmanHJL Models SatelliteParked30-May-19 12:31
Views : 598
Now for something completely different. This is my latest iteration of my Legal Eagle design that I built last night for the OFFC contest today. I finished it at the meeting this morning and trimmed it during the contest. It flies very well (Designing stable models has never been my problem.) but not competitively. I could probably double the duration with a built for the job prop and the right selection of rubber but it still would not be competitive in this group. There is also the possibility that I've taken the Legal Eagle concept too literally.
hjlittmanHJL Models P-6E HawkParked03-Dec-18 20:22
Views : 958
Not finished but flyable prototype. The saga continues.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 200 - SE5aBuild21-Jul-18 16:00
Views : 1364
I traced Former 1 onto a single piece of 1/16" sheet, cut it out and glued it into the back of the plastic nose with the nose reinforcement spacers. Since the plastic nose is meant to go over Former 1 that makes the fuselage 1/16" longer, but who's going to notice? Then I made a simple box key using the opening that existed in Former 1. The top and bottom of the hole is curved so I simply made the top and bottom of the box to match the curves. The key is quite snug and is perfectly aligned but I'm still going to add a couple of neodymium magnets to hold it in place. I hate loose nose blocks.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
hjlittmanGuillows Series 200 - SE5aBuild12-Jul-18 15:29
Views : 1475
I finshed the other side in 15 minutes and left for the dentist. Hint: half height formers are easier to install if you do it after the side keel in installed. More later today, Howard
hjlittmanGuillows Series 200 - SE5aBuild12-Jul-18 15:25
Views : 1291
I had 15 minutes between coming home from dropping my wife at work and leaving for a dentist appointment so I decided to do the other side of the fuselage. I used some laminated blade tools from another kit as guides to make sure the other half of the formers were in alignment. They happened to be in my building supply carrier but crafter's Popsicle sticks work just as well. I clamped them to the already aligned former with clothes pins, laid the half former against the guides, used a small Scuncii hair clip to clamp it down and applied glue. I find that the little Scuncii hair clips make very useful low pressure clamps.
hjlittmanGuillows Series 200 - SE5aBuild11-Jul-18 23:14
Views : 1255
There is a local FAC contest (Squadron 69) this Sunday for WWI (Mass Launch), Embryo, and Half Wakefield. I have my own Embryo, and have no plans to build a Half Wakefield, but thought I had a qualifying WWI model. (Let me rephrase that comment about the Half Wakefield. I have several plans for them I just don't plan to build one.) Anyway, I found that my ancient WWI model was in no condition to be restored, let alone fly, so I decided to build a new one for the contest. I had a #202, SE5A, kit on the shelf so I decided to build that "box stock" (Will have removable nose block, more aggressive prop, reinforced landing gear, F.A.I. Tan rubber, and colored tissue but other than that stock.) for the contest. It's not the most competitive choice, they fly much better than one might think and, I've seen them do quite well in competition. I started it about a half hour before I had to leave to pick up my wife this evening. I was using a right angle tool left over from another kit for alignment, odorless CA glue, and kicker. The photo shows how far I got.
hjlittmanHJL Models BostillationParked29-Apr-18 13:39
Views : 718
This is one of my Bostillation prototypes that I modified into an autogyro by adding a rotor mast in place of the wing. I did this for the Don Martin Cup contest for rubber powered rotary wing models and ornithopters on April 27. It does fly but on one flight it flew half way across the gym, pitched up, stalled (Yes,model autogyros can stall.) and fell to the floor on its back without breaking the rotor. Then, since the flight started with 2500 turns on the motor, it swept around the gym floor for nearly a minute like a berserk, propeller driven floor polisher. Worse still, Dave Gee videoed the flight! Despite the embarrassment, if I get a copy of it I will post it.
hjlittmanHJL Models OD-17 Plain PlaneParked11-Jan-18 21:07
Views : 1063
The is the low wing version of my second beginner's kit, the Satellite. When I have decided which version of the Satellite to kit, I will have all three of my beginners kits, the Plain Plane, Satellite, and Double Trouble on my web site by the end of the month. Having a little fun preprinting my tissue with waterproof ink.
hjlittmanHJL Models OD-17 Plain PlaneParked01-Dec-17 20:33
Views : 1059
Last one in the beginner's kit series, Double Trouble. Must have name and address on this one when flown outdoors. At 26 grams with the rubber in it and 93 square inches of wing area its a bit of a floater.
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