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Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 19:10 |  | Views : 2212 | A small ring from a local bead shop and masking tape painted a light tan color to bring out the contrast and pop out the "leather strap." |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 19:09 |  | Views : 2334 | I used water colors instead of artist's oils or other paints to avoid any reaction with the copper paint. When the wash mixture is dried, I used a damp Q-tip to wipe off the excess, leaving the dark mixture of black and brown deep within the small crevices and cracks to help give the cartridge some depth |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 19:06 |  | Views : 1137 | used water colors heavily diluted with water to about 10-1. This will form what is called a "wash." I applied this wash over the whole cartridge allowing the thinned water/paint mixture to flow through all of the crevices and cracks via capillary action |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 19:01 |  | Views : 1046 | The "cartridge" was then sprayed from a rattle can of copper |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 19:00 |  | Views : 1032 | Almost finished |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows Series 200 - SE5a | Build | 02-Jan-17 18:59 |  | Views : 1046 | I added a small circular piece of plastic on top. Then cut very thin strips from black electrical tape. This tape is very flexible. I added each thin strip to the opposite sides to help get a balanced look |