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hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked09-Dec-24 23:42
Views : 454
Revised Ukrainian Resistance covered. This structure may not see kitting in this model but it will be used in my future sport models.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild09-Dec-24 23:40
Views : 437
The obligatory "bones" shot
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild25-Nov-24 16:42
Views : 483
These are the prototypes that I am currently working on. This started out as a revision of the Ukranian Resistance but might end up as something completely new.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked05-May-22 02:09
Views : 884
Here is the production version of Ukrainian Resistance finished and tested. It flies just like the original prototype but is easier to build and gets all the FAC bonus points. It was released at the Black Sheep meeting in Burbank tonight (Wednesday) and will be available from my web site tomorrow (Thursday) evening.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild03-May-22 17:54
Views : 898
Bones shot of the production version Should be in kit tomorrow niight.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild28-Apr-22 16:59
Views : 966
Parts Sheets for Ukrainian Resistance. Kit is almost ready to release.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild28-Apr-22 16:54
Views : 913
Ghost as he appears on the plan. (I work in color but print the kit plans in greyscale...wish I could afford to print the lkit plans in color!)
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked23-Apr-22 00:24
Views : 1052
Fiirst prototype flies well. Making a few changes and should be in kit by end of month.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongBuild23-Apr-22 00:18
Views : 977
Working on another Embryo design, Ukrainian Resistance, This is the first prototype.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked28-Jun-20 13:53
Views : 1153
The Wright Amount of Wrong plans have been redrawn so that it can be built as a sesquiplane as well as a biplane. Both versions are FAC legal Embryos
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked31-Jan-17 15:29
Views : 1406
Finally! The production version of the Wright Amount of Wrong Embryo. Available on my web site 02/02/17. Yes, there are Wheel pants in the kit.
hjlittmanHJL Models Wright Amount of WrongParked15-Nov-16 21:41
Views : 1293
Not that I haven't been busy with other designs. This is a biplane Embryo called the Wright Amount of Wrong. After all, who builds biplane Embryos? It will be a little different when it goes into kit. This is the second prototype and had a few kinks. Should be flying the production version just after Thanksgiving.
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