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hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Build | 28-Apr-22 16:54 |  |
Views : 913 |
Ghost as he appears on the plan. (I work in color but print the kit plans in greyscale...wish I could afford to print the lkit plans in color!) |
hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Parked | 23-Apr-22 00:24 |  |
Views : 1052 |
Fiirst prototype flies well. Making a few changes and should be in kit by end of month. |
hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Build | 23-Apr-22 00:18 |  |
Views : 977 |
Working on another Embryo design, Ukrainian Resistance, This is the first prototype. |
hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Parked | 28-Jun-20 13:53 |  |
Views : 1153 |
The Wright Amount of Wrong plans have been redrawn so that it can be built as a sesquiplane as well as a biplane. Both versions are FAC legal Embryos |
hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Parked | 31-Jan-17 15:29 |  |
Views : 1406 |
Finally! The production version of the Wright Amount of Wrong Embryo. Available on my web site 02/02/17. Yes, there are Wheel pants in the kit. |
hjlittman | HJL Models Wright Amount of Wrong | Parked | 15-Nov-16 21:41 |  |
Views : 1293 |
Not that I haven't been busy with other designs. This is a biplane Embryo called the Wright Amount of Wrong. After all, who builds biplane Embryos? It will be a little different when it goes into kit. This is the second prototype and had a few kinks. Should be flying the production version just after Thanksgiving. |