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raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:27
Views : 489
This is a shot of how the bottle is shrinking when I'm about half-way through the process. I keep pushing teh form up as the plastic shrinks. The bar is a piece of 1/4' X 1" aluminum and it does deflect during the process. Start applying the heat BELOW the master to keep wrinkles from forming and to insure even shrinking around the master.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:23
Views : 490
Here the canopy master has been inserted into the bottle and the caulk gun used to put tension on the bottle prior to beginning to heat the plastic.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:21
Views : 460
THis is the top side of the rig. The piece od aluminam strap is to keep tension on the 2 liter bottle as the forming process progresses. I ussed a a couple 1/2" X 20 carriage bolts with wing nuts to allow for easy removal and installation. See how the (open-ended) bottle is clamped to the ply?
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:17
Views : 464
I thought that I would share a method for forming canopies (or any other shape that you might want to mould) out of a 2 liter softdrink bottle. This is the apparatus that I duplicated from "ModelMaster 2001" over on the RC Groups forum. It is a el-cheapo caulk gun mounted to a piece of 3/4" ply. I shortend the caulk gun body by about 4 inches to make sure that I had enough stroke to keep the form tight to the plastic when heat is added.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 10:14
Views : 480
Moby Dick on a stick! After much angst and hand-wringing, I'm going with the White color scheme that it last flew in. I just didn't want to get invovled with the natural metal or foil hassle. While the paint is curing, I'll start on the cockpit. Later.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild25-Jan-15 16:17
Views : 556
Gathered up most of the scrap wood today. Looks like I've got enough material to start to make another fairly good-sized model. (Maybe a 1/16 F-82 or even a Bamboo Bomber. Hmm.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild25-Jan-15 16:12
Views : 528
In the groove today. Neil Young playing on the box and a little Chivas (might explain being mellow). Doing fiddly stuff like making all of the vent holes and scoops/dumps in the after-burner section and the tail bumper. So, the next thing will probably be to finish the landing gear, which for some reason, I just don't want to get invovled in.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild21-Jan-15 11:10
Views : 554
All primed and ready to move on. Attaching the Stbd wing here. Checked the incidence with the "Wixey" meter and made a jig to keep the wingtips in line.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild21-Jan-15 11:06
Views : 552
'Nuff said.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild21-Jan-15 11:05
Views : 496
While I was waiting for the primer to dry, I fabricated the rest of the brass items for the main and nose gear. From the pictures of the real thing, the landing gear was quite "chintzy". No wonder that a gear failure was the ultimate cause of the plane's demise.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild21-Jan-15 11:00
Views : 467
Fill/prime, fill/prime, ad infintium. Went to the newly opened Hobby Lobby in town and got some Tamiya "Mr. Surfacer" for the really little voids; worked pretty good. Final wet sanding in progress now. I went up to 1000 grit as the final step.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild18-Jan-15 10:18
Views : 577
The great speckled bird! Two things happened: (1) My planking powress is lacking: many voids between the planks to fill. (2) I suffered some sort of incomparability issue between the intial finish and the high-fill primer, resulting in may "Crazed" areas. This is going to take a while as the primer surface has to nearly perfect if I am to lay on a aluminum finish coat. Catchya later!
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