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TJHGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangBuild13-Mar-22 19:42
Views : 1408
Started building this in late 2020, and lots of other stuff in between. I was able to complete the covering this weekend. Sneak preview, more work to go. Many cool color schemes for the P51, but it was an easy decision to honor the colors of the Tuskegee Airmen.
TJHGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangBuild13-Mar-22 19:41
Views : 1363
TJHGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangBuild13-Mar-22 19:40
Views : 1236
TJHGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangBuild13-Mar-22 19:40
Views : 1415
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked06-Nov-21 11:49
Views : 1098
I found this from Outerzone. Originally 13" wingspan, blown up to 1/16th scale to match the Precious Metal. Any tips, tricks, advice before starting on this endovor? I have a Diels Bearcat i thought about converting, but 100% sctrach would be cool too. Especially after seeing the canopy forming - i think i want to give it a shot.
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked03-Nov-21 13:06
Views : 1199
Decals from ' '. They custom printed them, very different decal material. Water for 5 seconds and they slide off in 30. No setting solution required and they just sink right into every detail. Very impressed with them.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked03-Nov-21 13:04
Views : 1129
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked03-Nov-21 13:04
Views : 1075
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked20-Oct-21 08:40
Views : 1051
Experiment with Liquid Chrome paint pen. I’m pretty impressed with it, works great if you need some chrome details like landing gear, antenna, or in my case – polished aluminum components. Beats the heck out of trying to use HVAC tape around nightmare compound corners… it kind of feels like cheating though. Same for 3D printed parts - I have much respect for those whom build details from the balsa – hats off to you for sure. But... if you have the means : )
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked17-Oct-21 14:36
Views : 1077
3rd times a charm. At least one of the failed attempts left me with a good spinner for a P40.... now I have to build a P40. 3D printing ( like all technology ) is nice - when it works...
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked12-Oct-21 08:15
Views : 1078
started the rivet detail, although not sure if it's worth it. Step back a foot or two and it all disappears.
crobGuillows Series 400 - P-51 MustangParked12-Oct-21 08:13
Views : 1127
panel lines cut into the sheeting with the back side of a no. 11 razor, 2-3 passes gets it about half depth of the 32nd sheeting
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