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raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild07-Feb-15 13:36
Views : 466
Turning the wheels out of Basswood on the lathe.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild07-Feb-15 13:34
Views : 489
While I'm waiting for the Gloss White paint to dry: I always try to let white sit for a least a week before I touch it, I started to work on the Landing gear. The progression from left-tp-right: (1) Cut out the shape on the jig-saw, (2) establish the shape of the tire on the lathe, (3) drill the hub hole out to finish the tire, (4) machine the hub to size out of "black" PVC pipe, (5) machine the Hub disc out of 3/16" plexi. The Nose Gear yoke above was assembled during our last snowstorm, all out of styrene.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:37
Views : 527
SO, here are the three sections of the canopy for the XF-92A. I need to trim them all to fit. One thing that I should have done was lay out the section lines right on the master to give me a guide for cutting them. I know that I have probably forgotten to put in some information, so if you have a question; feel free to ask.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:34
Views : 480
Done applying heat. BTW I have a paint stripper gun that I use; don;t know if a hairdryer has enough power to do this. This master is about 7 1/2" long as is just at the maximum that will work with a "Coke" bottle. I had already formed two other sections of this canopy, the windshield and the clam-shell portion of the canopy so I was interested in forming the back turtle-deck here which explains why the front of teh canopy is not fully formed. When appyling the heat, be aware that if the plastic starts to fog, it has shrunk as far as it is going to at that point. Also, you might find that there are some creases of folds that appear when forming: just judiciously apply a little more heat to that area and they will go away.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:27
Views : 456
This is a shot of how the bottle is shrinking when I'm about half-way through the process. I keep pushing teh form up as the plastic shrinks. The bar is a piece of 1/4' X 1" aluminum and it does deflect during the process. Start applying the heat BELOW the master to keep wrinkles from forming and to insure even shrinking around the master.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:23
Views : 458
Here the canopy master has been inserted into the bottle and the caulk gun used to put tension on the bottle prior to beginning to heat the plastic.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:21
Views : 432
THis is the top side of the rig. The piece od aluminam strap is to keep tension on the 2 liter bottle as the forming process progresses. I ussed a a couple 1/2" X 20 carriage bolts with wing nuts to allow for easy removal and installation. See how the (open-ended) bottle is clamped to the ply?
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 12:17
Views : 439
I thought that I would share a method for forming canopies (or any other shape that you might want to mould) out of a 2 liter softdrink bottle. This is the apparatus that I duplicated from "ModelMaster 2001" over on the RC Groups forum. It is a el-cheapo caulk gun mounted to a piece of 3/4" ply. I shortend the caulk gun body by about 4 inches to make sure that I had enough stroke to keep the form tight to the plastic when heat is added.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild29-Jan-15 10:14
Views : 451
Moby Dick on a stick! After much angst and hand-wringing, I'm going with the White color scheme that it last flew in. I just didn't want to get invovled with the natural metal or foil hassle. While the paint is curing, I'll start on the cockpit. Later.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild25-Jan-15 16:17
Views : 529
Gathered up most of the scrap wood today. Looks like I've got enough material to start to make another fairly good-sized model. (Maybe a 1/16 F-82 or even a Bamboo Bomber. Hmm.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild25-Jan-15 16:12
Views : 493
In the groove today. Neil Young playing on the box and a little Chivas (might explain being mellow). Doing fiddly stuff like making all of the vent holes and scoops/dumps in the after-burner section and the tail bumper. So, the next thing will probably be to finish the landing gear, which for some reason, I just don't want to get invovled in.
raylScratch Built Consolidated XF-92ABuild21-Jan-15 11:10
Views : 523
All primed and ready to move on. Attaching the Stbd wing here. Checked the incidence with the "Wixey" meter and made a jig to keep the wingtips in line.
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