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HJL Models F7U Cutlass by hjlittman. Viewed 1152 times.
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hjlittman08-Jul-13 22:45
This is the final version. The only change to be made is the substitution of a machine nut for the five BBs used as nose weight. I've discovered that I can't ship BBs in the kit since that constitutes "shipping amunition through the mails". Had this one cruising around 41 feet off the floor.
John M Oshust09-Jul-13 07:11
Call them ball bearings.
hjlittman09-Jul-13 12:44
John, Good idea!
hjlittman07-Nov-13 23:35
The web site is open
hjlittman12-Jan-14 22:52
Notice: If anyone purchased a Cutlass kit from me and it has a blue propeller in it, do not try to fly it with that propeller. The model will be very difficult to trim. Send me an e-mail with your mailing address to and I will send you a replacement. Gray or white props are OK. Sorry about the inconvenience.
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