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Guillows Series 800 - Stearman PT-17 by biplane guy. Viewed 1056 times.
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biplane guy03-Jan-17 15:07
Tiger Moth windshields
John M Oshust03-Jan-17 22:05
May I inquire as to how and from what material the wind screens were fabricated?
biplane guy04-Jan-17 05:44
Hey John, Happy New Year! The frames were cut-out in one piece from a sheet of .020 styrene. The joints between the front and sides were lightly scored with an exacto knife on the front and then bent (until partially broken) to the desired angle. I then filled the cracks with 5 minute epoxy to maintain the shape and add rigidity, wiped them smooth, then allowed the epoxy to set up while checking the angles. I painted them and then cut-out clear pieces of thin plastic from some waste packaging material and glued them in place with Testor's Clear Parts Cement & Window Maker. I used the plywood sheet from which the laser-cut fuselage formers were removed to trace the bottom curve of the windshields.
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