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Easy Built Heinkel 112 by hjlittman. Viewed 1833 times.
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hjlittman21-Feb-11 19:21
Bottom of rebuilt Heinkel. Except for spinner and radiator it's all colored tissue.
TJH22-Feb-11 11:36
How long has she stayed airborne?
hjlittman24-Feb-11 15:03
Glides beautifully. Don't know yet her real capabilities. My back yard is only 60 feet wide. Weather permitting I will find out tomorrow.
hjlittman01-Mar-11 19:09
To answer the question about flight times, this is one of the most frustrating models I have built. It's quite light and seems to be able to fly with a two strand motor, Powered with a single loop of 3/16" rubber it floats along like an indoor model but doesn't want to climb very far making 14 second flights at a height of about 8 feet and landing with winds still on the motor. With a four strand motor it shoots up like a proper fighter, but as soon as it turns upwind, (This model has almost no penetration.) noses over and comes down, recovering from the steep descent before striking the ground. A flight like this lasts about 14 seconds! I think that I need to change props and tighten up the nose block. The proper motor for this model is probably 4 strands of 1/8" flat. It's supposed to rain again tomorrow, so more next week.
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