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Guillows Series 700 - Arrow by hjlittman. Viewed 616 times.
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hjlittman17-Mar-14 15:54
Started by examining the plans to see what mods I would make. The landing gear wire pattern was on the side of the plan that would be down while assembling the structure so I bent the landing gear wire before pinning the plans to the board.
hjlittman17-Mar-14 15:58
The kit was die-cut so I freed the parts from the sheets. The 1/20" stock was about 8 pounds per cubic foot so the parts fell out when I sanded the back of the sheet with 225 grit production paper. The 3/32" stock was 15 to 17 pounds per cubic foot so I had to sand the back with 120 grit to get the parts out. There aren't that many heavy parts so it should not effect the flying. This model has a lot of wing.
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