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Guillows Series 400 - P-51 Mustang by crob. Viewed 1078 times.
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crob12-Oct-21 08:15
started the rivet detail, although not sure if it's worth it. Step back a foot or two and it all disappears.
heywooood12-Oct-21 15:39
I deal with these questions all the far do I want to go on any one project. How much time do I want to commit? This is what often leads to long stalls for me - I can't decide, spend too much time thinking about it rather than doing, and lose momentum. If I were to offer advice I would say you have captured the look of Precious Metal utterly, and have a good start on adding this detail. I would continue if it were me. You'll probably end up with something that should be preserved under glass and placed where aviation enthusiasts can appreciate it every day. But it's your project and your decision.
mark eggebeen12-Oct-21 16:19
yikes !!
bobgood12-Oct-21 16:46
Amazing - I think the "rivets" look great.
bobgood12-Oct-21 16:46
.....who's got some patience then?
edtherenderman13-Oct-21 10:52
Very impressive!
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