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Guillows Series 400 - P-51 Mustang by crob. Viewed 1051 times.
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crob20-Oct-21 08:40
Experiment with Liquid Chrome paint pen. I’m pretty impressed with it, works great if you need some chrome details like landing gear, antenna, or in my case – polished aluminum components. Beats the heck out of trying to use HVAC tape around nightmare compound corners… it kind of feels like cheating though. Same for 3D printed parts - I have much respect for those whom build details from the balsa – hats off to you for sure. But... if you have the means : )
edtherenderman20-Oct-21 09:30
Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) has a channel on youtube called Adam Savage's Tested where he does a lot of "one day builds" of things like costumes, props, etc., and he uses a pen refill in an airbrush to apply chrome effects. I think the refills are for this make of pen, but not sure. He starts off with a gloss black undercoat, then applies the chrome on top. Get's amazing effects. Check it out here:
Don C20-Oct-21 12:18
Thanks for sharing. I never knew that stuff existed.
crob20-Oct-21 13:38
no problem, i didn't know it existed either. Could've come in handy on so many other models from times past... you have to put it on kind of thick and you'll see scribe marks from the pen, but it you blow on it, it'll even out and shine right up, self leveling. it's a matter of seconds though, so need to move quick as you can. I'll try the paint someday, it may apply easier.
crob20-Oct-21 13:40
Ed, i did watch that video - very cool and thanks! i'll be priming with gloss black after 800-1000 grit paper.
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