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Guillows Series 400 - P-51 Mustang by crob. Viewed 1199 times.
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crob03-Nov-21 13:06
Decals from ' '. They custom printed them, very different decal material. Water for 5 seconds and they slide off in 30. No setting solution required and they just sink right into every detail. Very impressed with them.
edtherenderman03-Nov-21 15:34
I like how this turned out. I may think about the decal idea. I generally create my own with inkjet waterslide paper, but it's a bit of work. Looks like you got great results from the on-line source.
Don C03-Nov-21 16:03
That's nice. I like the way the foil turns out.
biplane guy03-Nov-21 16:30
bobgood03-Nov-21 16:34
Very race-like! Fine work crob, great new machine for VA.
biplane guy03-Nov-21 16:35
What did you use for the metal finish? That really came out well. Tanks for the tip on
crob03-Nov-21 16:43
Hi everyone and thank you for the comments. I forgot to mention the carrier film on the decals completely disappears too with a coat of Future floor polish. The ElDorado and Precious Metal for example are one piece massive decals. No way i'm trimming around all of that... biplane guy, it's just plain HVAC foil tape from the hardware store.
heywooood04-Nov-21 21:53
I was hoping 'Precious Metal' had made it into the new Microsoft Flight sim Reno Air Racing expansion...unfortunately it did not..but take a look at this
heywooood04-Nov-21 22:05
here is the entire line up if interested...turn the audio down if the soundtrack isn't for you
crob05-Nov-21 08:37
I have MFS, but I dont play much. Every time I try to get in to it, seems there is another 80 gig download... : ) I still am in shock and awe of it - I started with FS 95. The Reno expansion is incredible, I didn't know it was in the works. Maybe someday someone will make an add-on for the PM 51. There are a LOT of other famous race planes - Strega, Rare Bear, etc.. i could see all of these making there way - fingers crossed anyway.
edbecky05-Nov-21 09:20
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