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House of Balsa P-51D Mustang by BriandKilby. Viewed 711 times.
Build Thread
Image Comments |
BriandKilby | 05-Sep-11 15:23 | not turning out how i wanted it to. having trouble ironing monokote and wrinkles. |
BriandKilby | 05-Sep-11 15:24 | having trouble with monokote not sticking in some places to balsa, any pointers or help? |
John M Oshust | 05-Sep-11 15:44 | Remove and try again! |
Xanadu | 05-Sep-11 17:43 | It is a bit tricky doing it the first time. It does shrink quite a bit, and some gentle heat will help. Takes a bit of practice.
Here are some links for helping you out. |
Xanadu | 05-Sep-11 17:47 | Take your time, start at one corner, tack it, then go to the opposite one pull it taut, and tack it. Then go to the other corners, and do same, gently pulling it taut while tacking it. Heat seal along one side solid, then while pulling it taut away from the side you just heat sealed, pull it taut and keep tacking it all around. You should get to the point of having it tacked and taut all the way around, and then you can go over it with the heat iron sealing and shrinking it.
I strongly urge you to check out the youtube videos. |
BriandKilby | 05-Sep-11 18:44 | thanks xanadu, i'll give it a shot. |
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