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deckape, Image # 2227919 Apr 11 15:54

Stern View along with some of my titanic collections I am running out of room with these behemoth ships models
deckape, Image # 2227819 Apr 11 15:52

Here is my 8ft RMS QUEEN MARY made from blue styrofoam board useing Edeard weswesser plans scale 1/192 this is takeing in back of my spring house where I keep my Big Mo
deckape, Image # 2227419 Apr 11 11:46

Another shot here she is takeing off from Templehoff back to the States a lot of fog that morning that is the way of it back in 1949 I was 9 years old back then Ouchhhhhhhh Showing my age.
deckape, Image # 2227319 Apr 11 11:42

Here is my scratch built C54 Skymaster I built this model after watching the drive in movie in 1957 The Big Lift I had a set of plans that came from model airplane News it was designed for U control opperation but you had to send for them but there was a sample sheet of the pl;ans to get you interested in obtaining a copy so i used the sample pplans the wing span of this careved model is 22 inch,s scale I dont Know After the model was carved I used sand and sealer sand well primed and checked for flaws then i went ahead and covered her with aluminum foil useing contact cement as a glue.
deckape, Image # 2227219 Apr 11 11:36

Here is my L1049 Connie hand carved from soft pine wood the plans came from Mechanix Illistrated June of 1959
lukebozek1, Comment for image # 2226418 Apr 11 20:15
I used to fly in an Embraer (sp?) twin prop that had stains like that. As we flew we could watch the oil run through every seam in the engine housing. This is an incredible build.
lukebozek1, Comment for image # 2226218 Apr 11 20:05
My dad was on one of these in the Pacific. is this set up for Radio Control? I would like to take this to where they sail the big sailboat models at central Park. And prepare to ram! Two Pittman Motors? Two motorcycle Batteries? It would look like the Homecoming parade in Animal House! Okay, sleep deprivation is starting to rear it's ugly head! Goodnight all! Sweet dreams of pieces of sailboats, flotsam in the pool! Nine feet long? Theme song from Jaws!
deckape, Comment for image # 2226418 Apr 11 19:59
Thanks Fellas, for a plane that is made from paper it is ecredably strong you can drop and nothing get broken.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Must be the Butraite dope It,s big not as huge as the Guillows but big enough thanks Fellas Boats
frwyflyer, Comment for image # 2226418 Apr 11 19:52
VERY NICE!! Blue foam?
lukebozek1, Comment for image # 2226418 Apr 11 19:51
You are breaking my heart! This is gorgeous!
deckape, Image # 2226418 Apr 11 18:47

B17G I made this from paper and cardboard I ran out of olive drab so i painted aluminum with a hint of flat white airbrushed some exaust stains in Which the flying fort was noted for. scale 1/32
deckape, Image # 2226318 Apr 11 18:45

this is my scratch built PBY dumbo I made this from cracker box,s all paper and cardboard scalke 1.24
deckape, Image # 2226218 Apr 11 18:43

Fleet Oiler U.S.S. ASHTABULA AO-51 I made this from wood and fibre glass RC opperation I served on this ship durring the vietnam war this model is 9ft long runs on two dumas 12 volt pittman motors I was doing some restoreation work on her I built this aboard ship when I was in the Navy.
deckape, Comment for image # 2223718 Apr 11 00:59
Thanks Fellas for your replie it means alot to this old man. I have a lot of models to many but I still cant get enough of them. My wonderfull first mate My wife Ruthie strikes up a conversation with me what am i going to do with these models when it time for the good lord to call on me. So far fellas I havent a clue. when it is time i will think of something. but for now i get the idea out of my head, I just build more models and enjoy my life and your replies keeps me young Boats
Roring40, Comment for image # 2223718 Apr 11 00:36
I bet it looked mighty impressive out on the lake Boats. You have enough quality models to open a museum. I for one, would pay to view - shame I'm in the wrong country !
frwyflyer, Comment for image # 2223717 Apr 11 20:47
OH WOW!! That is NICE!! I saw her in Long Beach during her refit. Truly amazing
RTD89, Comment for image # 2223717 Apr 11 19:23
Wow! The size, the detail, and it still looks brand new!
deckape, Image # 2223917 Apr 11 19:14

Briankilby here is my old Sterling kit of Big Mo. sitting on top of our hutch The connie on the right side is scratch built model watch out for Jaws. boats
deckape, Comment for image # 2223717 Apr 11 19:12
Brian she is 4 times longer then the old Sterling kit I have one also, These old Sterling kits are worth their weight in gold to bad they went out of buisness. I was lucky enough to buy this one 17 years ago from Sheldons they told me in my invoice reciept they i purchased the last one. BUT there out there in Ebay. Thank you Briankilby. Boats I will post a picture of my Sterling kit it is not done yet But perhaps this year i will turn two on her and get her done
deckape, Comment for image # 2223717 Apr 11 19:06
Thank you Poppy, She is made of wood and fibre glass built for plans provided ny the floating Drydock scale 1/48 and she weighs about 135 lbs powered with 2 12 volt car battaries, the Electric motor is a blower motor off of a furnace 1.3hp I installed a reduction gear boz to slow down the revoloutions and it draws about 5 amps underway. I,m 71 years old now I cant lift it anymore it just sits in the back room, perhaps i can draft a couplr young kids to help me load it on the boat trailor i can take her out a sail. Thank you Poppy for your reply your builds exceptional to the high degree your Great Lakes special is a work of art Boats
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