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jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial16-Mar-09 12:55
Views : 1206
Watched Discovery launch on STS-125, yesterday. Awe inspiring, as always...
SteveMMolt Models TyroFlying22-Jan-09 15:36
Views : 3560
After about 20 minutes I tried to make one too many laps around the field before coming in for a fresh battery. The rough landing a few feet shy of the runway should have been a non-event but some repairs such as to the wing mount here need more work.
SteveMMolt Models TyroFlying22-Jan-09 15:34
Views : 3392
No one else was there, the sun was warm, it was quiet and peaceful. I got brave and flipped dual rates to high and did some rolls and a loop or two.
SteveMMolt Models TyroFlying22-Jan-09 15:32
Views : 3497
Tuesday afternoon it occurred to me that it was 45F, clear skies, no wind, almost sunset, and I'd rather fly than write a thesis.
SteveMMolt Models TyroFlying17-Jan-09 16:57
Views : 3489
I granted the Tyro a stay of execution with liberal use of CA, scotch tape, and a glue stick. The frost was so thick that walking on the mats was dangerous and a good puff of wind would have blown my flight box off the table.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked31-Dec-08 20:55
Views : 1215
Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for another great VA year, with tons of great shots uploaded! This was tonights sunset in Miami, the last sunset of 2009 on the east coast of the US...
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
SteveMMolt Models TyroParked24-Dec-08 19:27
Views : 3277
They say not to fall in love with your first plane. I think the poor Tyro has had so many crashes and hanger rash events that it needs to be retired, I'd rather spend my time finishing up the Hellcat than address the structural issues.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial02-Dec-08 07:28
Views : 1228
Moon, Venus, Jupiter, 6:15pm in Minnesota.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial02-Dec-08 07:27
Views : 1144
Moon, Venus, Jupiter
jgoodMolt Models TyroFlying16-Nov-08 10:01
Views : 1398
You can see the camera underneath on this shot...
jgoodMolt Models TyroFlying16-Nov-08 10:00
Views : 1264
Over the Everglades.
jgoodMolt Models TyroFlying16-Nov-08 10:00
Views : 1394
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