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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial15-Nov-10 11:27
Views : 1753
The London skyline, looking over Greenwich park to Canary wharf.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial15-Nov-10 11:23
Views : 1809
The London skyline, over Blackheath. The worlds first golf-club was apparently formed here on the Heath. And this was where the highway men like Dick Turpin used to rob the stage coaches. Now we fly small electric model aircraft...
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial15-Nov-10 11:19
Views : 1488
Blackheath, at sunset today.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked15-Nov-10 11:08
Views : 1464
The Tyro emerges from it's protective cocoon on the prime meridian, Greenwich, London!
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked16-Aug-10 08:20
Views : 1697
Early this morning. Got some good zero-wind flights in.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial30-May-10 18:13
Views : 1927
Yesterday morning, out with the Tyro, Seaboard Marine vessel coming into Miami. As you can see, I'm still losing some shots to the vibration, the old camera seemed to deal better with it.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial30-May-10 15:53
Views : 1710
Looking west, along to Dodge Island and the Port of Miami. Watson island can be seen in the left foreground, with downtown Miami in the background.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked18-May-10 05:37
Views : 1818
A very quick and dirty way of hopefully increasing visibility at altitude. The silver really blended in with a sunny blue sky, so I hope this will increase the contrast.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial08-May-10 05:13
Views : 1749
View over South Beach. Lovely morning, look at that water, and no wind! Seem to have figured out the camera a little better. Using a -0.7 EV setting, 200 ISO, infinity focus. Also, I think one of the big problems was an out of balance prop causing too much vibration.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial08-May-10 05:11
Views : 1752
US Coast Guard cutter. There's a big gun on deck there... Coming back in to the coast guard station on Miami Beach.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial08-May-10 05:10
Views : 1757
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial08-May-10 05:09
Views : 1704
Miami Beach
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