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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial04-May-10 16:53
Views : 1657
Flying over the airstrip. I still haven't got the hang of this camera. Although someone on RCGroups has told me to use a -0.30 EV correction, so I'll try that next time. Dissapointed, got lots of blurry shots again. This was one of the best.
jgoodMolt Models TyroFlying04-May-10 16:51
Views : 1696
The Tyro flying at sunset, up in Lake Wales, Florida. We stayed at a funky little hotel with an airstrip, suitable for 172s and Tyros alike.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked04-May-10 16:48
Views : 1856
Me an' the Tyro.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial21-Apr-10 05:25
Views : 1604
Got some time up in the air this morning. I need to put a darker colour on the wings, the silver is terrible for visiblity against a blue sky, almost invisible. Secondly, the new camera (a Pentax Optio S10) does not seem too good at the moment. Most of the shots were blurry, even after forcing the ISO up to 400, locking the focus on infinity, and trying the 'sports' mode. I shall do some more research - anyone want an S10 going cheap?! :)
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial01-Apr-10 03:10
Views : 1631
The Atlantic Ocean.
jgoodMolt Models TyroAerial01-Apr-10 03:10
Views : 1567
Yes, she flies! Looking down on Gianni Versace's mansion (see the observatory on top?). No problems with the flight, although I need to work on the camera settings a bit.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked01-Apr-10 03:08
Views : 1501
Waiting for the sunrise. I like the moon shining on the sand in this shot.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked24-Mar-10 16:06
Views : 1599
Ready to go! This is just the base colours, I intend to jazz it up a bit later... If the maiden flight is OK! Just got to wait for a calm morning now...
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked24-Mar-10 16:05
Views : 1478
Camera mounted using the same tripod mounting screw as before. It weighs 5 oz, for 16.8oz AUW with the 1320mAh battery. The camera is a Pentax Optio S10, reconditioned, bought from eBay for $120.
jgoodMolt Models TyroParked24-Mar-10 16:02
Views : 1421
Ready to go... AUW is 12.3oz with a 2 cell 1320mAh battery (10.2oz empty).
jgoodMolt Models TyroBuild21-Mar-10 07:45
Views : 1501
Progress so far. Covering with red Solarfilm, a slightly heavier covering than my usual Solite. Less translucent though, which suits the red. The wings will be silver Solite.
jgoodMolt Models TyroBuild14-Mar-10 15:03
Views : 1641
Progress so far. Just about ready for covering.
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